
Welcome to the yzcca88游戏登录网址 政策 website. The University’s policy environment is designed to enhance the University’s mission, promote operational efficiency 和 effectiveness, 降低机构风险. The University's official 政策库 is maintained 和 managed by the Department of Enterprise Risk Management 和 the Office of Business 和 Financial Affairs. Enterprise Risk Management 和 Business 和 Financial Affairs also staff 和 manage the 政策谘询委员会 (PAC) which reviews 和 submits for approval to the Chancellor 和/or the Board of Trustees, all University policies that have campus-wide application.

The development 和 maintenance of a robust, comprehensive policy environment communicates the University’s values 和 expectations to members of the University community. University policies are applicable campus-wide 和 provide the foundation of University operations. These policies support the University’s commitment to diversity, 股本, 和 inclusion by promoting an inclusive academic culture, supporting 和 retaining diverse faculty 和 staff, 和 providing equitable foundational principles for operations.

We encourage all community members to use this site as the main source for University-wide policies, as it will feature the most current information 和 updates on all policy-related items.

Many departmental or 区分 policies 和 程序, 虽然有用而且重要, 不符合上述标准和, 因此, are not considered University policies. 类似的, oversight of the development 和 implementation of policies, 程序, 的指导方针, 和 st和ards pertinent to specific University groups fall to the governing body for such constituency. 例子包括 Guidelines on Appointment, Promotion, 和 Tenure (教务委员会),教务委员会办公室 Research 和 Sponsored Programs 政策 (ORSP)以及 荣誉准则 (Office of Student Rights 和 Responsibilities). 所有的部门, 区分, 和 group-specific  policies 和 程序 must be consistent with University policies.

If there is a discrepancy between a division version of a policy 和 a University Policy, 发布到大学的版本 政策库 被认为是官方政策吗.


探索 a searchable database of University policies. 


Learn how University policies are developed, then review 和 provide feedback on recently approved new policies 和 policy revisions.


Find information on how we develop, authorize 和 implement policies across the University.


The University’s 政策谘询委员会 is a st和ing University committee whose role is to advise the University community on policy development, to review 和 approve proposals for new policies 和 policy revisions, to ensure that policies are properly approved 和 implemented, 和 generally to support the policy development 和 implementation process at the University.

View 政策谘询委员会 Charter


罗莎琳Feagins, 政策谘询委员会 Chair, Assistant Treasurer, Business 和 Financial Affairs

玛吉Heyduk, Manager of Professional Advising, Graduate School of Social Work

贝丝Robischon, Senior Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel

珍妮特Burkhardt助理副校长 for University Financial Services


马克Derham Clery 和 Compliance Coordinator, Department of 校园 Safety

杰夫的银行, 人力资源副校长

吉姆没有人Director, Employee 和 Labor Relations, Human Resources 和 Inclusive Community

院长Saitta, Director of Urban Studies; Professor, Anthropology, Department of Anthropology

克劳德·d ., Professor of International Law 和 Human Rights, Josef Korbel School of International Studies

Dheepa他, Assistant Professor, Hindu Studies, Critical Theory 和 Digital Religion

Pam霍伯曼, Director of Operations, The Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures

阿兰Bouit助理副校长 & Chief Information Security Officer, IT Infrastructure

埃里克•哈特曼 Executive Director, Enterprise Risk Management
